Granite Works of Waverly NY
Granite Works LLC
133 William Donnelly Parkway
Waverly, New York 14892
Phone: 607-565-7012
Map & Directions

Holding Slab & Partials Policy

Partial payment is required to hold any slab or partial

Holding slab partials at Granite Works is not covered by any Warranty or Guarantee. With the high level of slab & partial turn-over, logistics, potential of damage and shortage of space, any slabs or partials held from a prior job or for a future job are vulnerable to damage and other potential misfortunes. Granite Works will not cover any such situation.

Alternatively, we strongly recommend that all stone color related jobs be cut and fabricated at the same time. This is the safest way to assure the use of the matching countertop color

Please keep in mind that we always have a space shortage, all warehouse space is under constant use. In addition, slabs are constantly being moved & used increasing the chance of scratches or breakage. Care is taking but no guarantee can be given.

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